Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Sexy Stud for Hire

This is the first posting in the new blog series “The Sexy Stud for Hire.” Read each posting that follows after this date to read the story in order. ~ Thanks, Delaynee Sinclair

It was late one night, and I was nestled in front of my computer getting ready to write my next sexual love story. I wished it were my own. I knew it could be, if only I’d take a chance. Just as I started to type, my manager telephoned me. .

            “Delaynee, someone has contacted me about writing a companion book to ‘The Goddess.’ I think you should go for it.”

            I bit my bottom lip, and powered off my computer.

            “I’m not sure if ‘The Goddess’ is ready for a companion. My books are best-sellers. A companion may drag them down.” 

            My manager tried to advise me, but I can be pretty stubborn.

            “You’ve cranked out three erotic books in as many years, and would it be so bad if you had a companion?” 

            I sat in the darkness licking my wounds.

            “Delaynee, I know you’ve remained strong since your break-up. You’ve pushed through your pain, and made your life successful without him. You should be happy about that, but maybe it’s time you created with someone else for awhile.”

            I cracked my window a little, letting the cool night air blow in. 

            “I’ll take it into consideration,” I whispered as I hung up the phone.

            I crawled under my covers, alone. I wanted to numb myself with sleep, but I was restless. I was afraid if I opened myself up, I’d become vulnerable again.

            If I write with someone else, they’ll want to do public relations stuff and I want to remain anonymous. That’s why I like my pen name.

            I was restless falling asleep. My mind was racing with thoughts of how I just wanted to blend in with my surroundings.

            I’m just the woman that owns the book/coffee shop.

            The summer night air blew across my skin. My eyes finally grew heavy and I fell asleep.

            The next day at work I was back in the stockroom. I overheard a man questioning one of my employees.

            Is he asking about my book?

            I could hear my employee tell him they were sold out, and they’d be restocked in a couple of days.

            I knew I had several cases upstairs in my apartment over the bookstore, but I couldn’t let my employee’s know that I was the writer.

            They’d laugh me out of business if they knew their boss was sucking cock on paper.

            I moved closer to the door and tried to get a glimpse of the man with the sexy voice.

            “I’d love to meet the woman who writes those books,” he said. “I’d get down on one knee, and propose marriage.” 

            “Is it about the sex?” The employee asked.

            “No, it’s, about the connection I feel to her words,” he said. “I feel like she’s written them just for me.” 

My curiosity got the best of me and I walked back into my store. I made my way around the shelving unit to get a better look at my secret admirer, but it was too late. He was leaving.

Nice ass.

            “Did you see that guy?” the young female employee questioned. “Wow!  Someone should tell that writer she has an admirer!” 

I froze in my tracks. 

            “Are you okay?”

            “I will be.”

            Days pass and I was closing up shop one evening. All of my employees had gone, and I wished that I had someone to talk to. 

I unclipped my hair, letting it fall down past my shoulders. I heard the bells on the door jingle, and turned around to see a handsome man standing before me. 

            “Is it too late?” 

            Good God.

            I was taken aback by his angelic face. His eyes are as brown as fudge, and his smile could light up the night sky. I felt myself blushing at my hesitation, but finally responded.

            “It’s never too late.” 

            I re-clipped my hair and a few pieces fell out of place, gently framing my face.

            “How about a tall cup of whatever your roast of the day is?”

I poured him his coffee.

“Do you mind if I just grab a book real quick?”

“Not at all,” I said. “Purchasing books at my store keeps me in business.”

I winked, he smiled.

Drip, drip, drip. My pussy is loving this guy.

He heads straight to the romance section and comes back to the counter with my book, “The Goddess.” 

It’s a good thing I restocked that.

            “Good choice,” I replied knowing my secret was safe. 

            “Would you like to join me for a cup of coffee”

            He asked while paying for his purchases.

            “Ya, sure, why not?”

            Holy shit this guy is so sexy.

            I poured myself an espresso and took a seat across from my extremely hot, late night customer

He took a drink of the warm soothing brew, and our eyes met.

            “My name is Gavin, and I am a mechanic/book critic.” 

            I raised my eyebrow.

            “I’m Delaynee, and I’m speechless.”

            He smiled at me and we laughed, breaking the tension.

            “I was working on someone’s car one day and she had the first book of this series in her seat,” he said. “I was curious and read it in two hours.”

I smiled.

“Did you charge her for the labor during those two hours?”

“No, but I thanked her.”

            “What is it that you like about the stories?” I asked. “I mean, you’re a guy, and these stories are meant for women.”

            “Well, love is a universal language,” he said. “So I wouldn’t think the stories would exclude men, but to try to answer your question, the author, it’s as though, she writes her hearts desires, letting the Goddess represent her. Her characters are so lifelike. I can feel their vulnerabilities. I just want to call them on the phone, and send them my love. You probably think I’m crazy…”

            His voice trailed off, and he blushed. 

            “No, I think it’s lovely that I’ve been able to evoke such emotion out of such a big, strong guy.”

            “I’ve?” he said, raising an eyebrow. “Don’t you mean A. Starling?”

            Holy shit. How could I have made such a stupid slip of the lip?

            “I am A. Starling, the woman who penned that book.” I said feeling a flush of relief run through my body as I continued. “I’ve always wanted someone to write something like that for me, but instead I’ve written them for others.”

            I think Gavin almost fell off his chair and was genuinely floored by my admission.

            “You wrote these books?” He said. “Your husband is a lucky man.” 

            “Oh, I’m alone.”

            His eyes lit up.

             “Go out with me, tomorrow night,” he said. “I’ll pick you up here and…” 

            “I am not ready to date.” 

            I lowered my eyes hoping he couldn’t see the sorrow I was hiding.

            “Then I’ll be here for you, until you are.” 

            I raised my eyes as I sipped my coffee. I couldn’t help but stare at his determined face, and bulging biceps.

            Shit, I am screwed. I think he means it.


To be continued…


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