This is your Captain speaking……..welcome aboard fuckers!
Back in my day…………………ok don’t panic this isn’t going to be a rose colored glasses trip down memory lane, but it will be a comparison to demonstrate how our standards on the whole as men has gone straight down the shitter.
Back in the 80’s and 90’s if I said “Porn Star”, it actually meant something.
You would have gotten a clear picture of what a porn star looked like. Regardless of the race if a chick was a porn star, there were certain qualities that you could count on, the main one was of course was a kick ass body. Nice face, perfect ass, great tits (whether natural or aftermarket bolt-ons), and no muffin tops!
Now don’t get me wrong, I fucking love the internet, it provides a forum for everyone, whether through a blog such as this or through a site like YouTube or even the adult version of “tube” sites. Now, anyone can porn star.
There has been an explosion of homemade porn stars, many with less than desirable bodies. Now I understand the appeal of seeing a “regular” chick, one like the attractive, but not necessarily smoking chick that lives a couple doors down. However the latest wave of BBW and over-sized ass porn is proof of how American men have lowered their standards as to what “hot” is.
Its one thing for a flick with a girl next door type, but not if the girl next door has mounds of cellulite all over her ass and thighs, that’s just being desperate, remember porn is suppose to be about fantasy. Fat chicks are a dime a dozen, lazy bitches are everywhere!
What’s worse is that I see guys fawn all over out of shape, overweight chicks all the time. We have collectively lowered the bar and with women being the laziest creatures on the fucking planet, they will only do the bare minimum to get by.
The other sad part is a lot of these overweight porn queens would actually be pretty hot if they could just get the fucking fork out of their mouth and find a treadmill. But then again, we see this in everyday life, a muffin top who has potential, but because she’s already getting attention from a bunch of thirsty, desperate guys, she does nothing to improve or take it to the next level.
Gentlemen……..fuckers………….we need to cut this bullshit out. We need to raise our standards and our level of game. Yes we all have our slump-busters that we aren’t proud of; I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about all this fat bitch worship. If you have ever put the words “beautiful” and “BBW” in the same sentence, then please do us all a favor and fucking kill yourself.
This one case where I have to agree with the Expats, foreign women get it, they know that the game is never over, it’s a lesson that’s been long forgotten by the jizz-traps over here in the States.
You’re now free to watch Jenna.
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